West Vancouver makes physical literacy headlines
Photo by Mike Wakefield, North Shore News An ambitious multi-year physical literacy initiative in West Vancouver is making headlines across the country as the school district moves toward integrating movement into their everyday curriculum. After launching the project during the 2015/16 school…
Athletics Australia throws its weight behind PLAYBuilder
The PLAYBuilder app has made a global splash since being released last year. Developed in Canada by Momentum IT Group and Sport for Life, it has become an integral part of sport and physical literacy organizations across North America. Now, thanks to…
Bringing physical literacy to the British Virgin Islands
Canadians have long been leading the way globally in many areas of sport and physical activity, such as establishing long-term development pathways, creating physical literacy opportunities and mobilizing coach education. As other countries rush to catch up, many of them looking to…
How whitewater rafting saved my life
By Will Johnson Shortly after losing a job in November 2017, an event which led to an escalating series of manic episodes, I ended up in the psych ward of Vancouver General Hospital. They informed me that my antidepressant was partially to…
Keynote panel for 2020 Sport for Life Canadian Summit celebrates success
Sport for Life has named one of its keynote panels for the 2020 Sport for Life Canadian Summit, bringing together three of the leading voices in the physical literacy and quality sport movements to speak on the theme of Celebrating Success. Fabrice…
Physical literacy goes global with IPLC Europe
Sport for Life has been hosting an International Physical Literacy Conference (IPLC) in Canada every two years since 2013, and now for the first time it’s going global. In September we hosted, along with Change the Game, the first ever IPLC Europe…
How to develop an Egyptian physical literacy curriculum
Mark Verbeek has never been satisfied with the status quo. For the past two decades he’s been a physical education teacher in Ontario, and repeatedly he’s found himself struggling to convince parents of the importance of physical literacy. He’s been met with…
North Shore champions physical literacy
It’s been just over nine months since West Vancouver and Bowen Island committed to introduce physical literacy learning to their communities, and one of the project leads can’t believe the progress that’s been made in such a short time. “When we started…
Active Sudbury embraces transformational initiatives
Unless you’re specifically interested in the intersection between health and physical activity, chances are you don’t know what physical literacy is–and that’s something Carolyn Crang of the Active Sudbury project hopes to change. Since the project began in 2017, Crang and the…
Catherine Carty brings global inclusion expertise to the International Physical Literacy Conference 2019
Sport for Life is thrilled to add Catherine Carty to its lineup of keynote speakers for the upcoming International Physical Literacy Conference (IPLC) 2019 in Winnipeg, which runs May 7–10. A leading voice on the topic of inclusion, Carty is a researcher and advocate…
Dr. Dean Dudley to deliver keynote address at the International Physical Literacy Conference 2019
Sport for Life is proud to announce that Dr. Dean Dudley will be giving a keynote address at the International Physical Literacy Conference (IPLC) 2019 in Winnipeg, which runs from May 7 – 10. A senior lecturer and researcher at Macquarie University…
Kamloops 2018 BC Winter Games Highlights
The Kamloops 2018 BC Winter Games Society contributed to the local steering committee, PLAYKamloops, in supporting its journey through the Physical Literacy for Communities initiative. The PLAYKamloops committee believes that the development of a strong skill set across the spectrum of fundamental…