Learn to Play Webinar – Innovation Grants
The RBC Learn to Play Project funded community organizations to improve the delivery of quality sport programs and implement physical literacy principles. Projects with new innovative ideas emerged and have grown into examples of best practices for quality sport and physical literacy…
Learn to Play Webinar – Learn to Play in Schools
Physical literacy is as important to develop in school as literacy and numeracy. Through physical education, there are opportunities for students to learn and deliberately practice skills in an instructional climate focused on mastery. This webinar will share some ways schools and…
Learn to Play Webinar – Helping Change Happen
Is change always resisted? By whom, and why? How can we gather and understand the perspectives of key stakeholders in support of change initiatives? This session provides an overview of organizational change and some reasons for resistance/acceptance of change. Roles of social…
Learn to Play Webinar – Learn to Play in the Early Years
Regular physical activity is essential for healthy child development and the early years are the best time to promote and encourage physical activity for children. This webinar will explore how to provide training to early years childcare providers so they can help…
Learn to Play Webinar – Parent Engagement
Often practitioners are looking for ways to engage and educate parents about quality sport, physical literacy, and Long-Term Athlete Development. This webinar will provide some strategies and resources to engage and help parents understand the added value of programs that integrate quality…
The Aboriginal Long-Term Participant Development Pathway workshop is designed to help sport and physical activity organizations across Canada enhance their understanding about how to support Aboriginal participants and athletes in their programming. The workshop will spend time developing an appreciation of Aboriginal culture, and…
Physical Literacy 501: Inclusive Physical Literacy (half-day)
PL 501 will help participants to understand the importance of physical literacy development for participants with disabilities. This workshop will take participants through what universally accessible programs are and how to plan and create them. It will also help participants to develop their…
Participants will learn how to incorporate physical literacy enriched activities into a variety of indoor or outdoor settings. The activities can be easily implemented by a coach, physical educator or generalist teacher, recreation leader or parent. Physical literacy will be discussed as a means to enhance performance,…
Physical Literacy 201: Physical Literacy Assessment for Youth (half-day)
This workshop will provide participants with the ability to execute, score and interpret the physical literacy assessment for youth (PLAY) tools in a sport specific setting. The session includes an update on physical literacy trends, which highlight potential roles for sport associations. Participants will…
Physical Literacy 101: An Introduction to Physical Literacy
Physical activity is a lot more fun when you are physically literate. Now more than ever, physical literacy is being recognized as an important component of best practices in the sport, recreation, health and education sectors within Canada. Unfortunately, not everyone knows…
Becoming a Physical Literacy for Life Community (full-day)
The community is the first place everyone experiences physical activity and sport. Physical Literacy for Life provides the framework to ensure these experiences are positive and sets the stage for a lifelong relationship with physical activity. Municipal recreation, community leaders and community…