Poco Active believes in sectors working together towards building a culture of active living in Port Coquitlam This group aims to progress physical literacy initiatives in Port Coquitlam. Building on PL work that has been going on in the community with the various stakeholders over the past few years, we are using PL4C resources to support further enhancement of our shared PL goals while involving new partners along the goal. Large goal is sustainability and building a collective of local leaders to continue progressing PL in POCO.

Start date
March 2018
Project reach
Port Coquitlam
Lead organization
Port Coquitlam Sports Alliance
List of community partners/stakeholders
- Port Coquitlam Sports Alliance
- Fraser Health
- School District 43
- The City of Port Coquitlam
- Tri-cities Early Childhood Education / MCD Committee
- Rocket Rods Hockey Shop
- Tri-Cities Local Immigration Partnership
Sectors represented

For more information about Poco Active, contact Ryan Clark ryan@pocosport.com.