Every person should have the opportunity to develop physical literacy. Program coordinators, leaders, and facility operators have a responsibility to create universally accessible physical literacy opportunities.

This can be a daunting task to figure out how to develop or adapt programs to be inclusive of disabilities. As such, in 2016 through the RBC Learn to Play funding, a series of trainings and a collection of resources has been undertaken to create a portal of information so that there is a place to start to find programs, information, or training to assist in moving to universal accessibility.

The resources and programs listed below have been identified as best practices, and are in no way an exhaustive list but will hopefully provide a starting point for this journey.

Past Inclusive Physical Literacy Webinar

February 2016:

This webinar presents the inclusive physical literacy project, the theoretical frame of inclusive physical literacy, and presentations of good practices across Canada like Défi sportif AlterGo, Canucks Autism Network, Pacific Institute for Sport Excellence, Special Olympics Canada, Canadian Paralympic Committee, and Let’s Play.

View the slide deck.

May 2017:

This webinar introduces participants to the concept of inclusive physical literacy and how it ties into the definition of physical literacy. It will also explore the facets of offering an inclusive programming, and how organizations need to intentionally plan for this to happen. The webinar will also cover how the organizational structure is key for offering a supportive and welcoming environment for persons with a disability.

View the slide deck.

Inclusive Physical Literacy Workshop

Inclusive Physical Literacy will help participants to understand the importance of physical literacy development for participants with disabilities. This workshop will take participants through what universally accessible programs are and how to plan and create them.  It will also help participants to develop their adaptations to fundamental movement skills to allow for different disability types to participate and have a quality first involvement experience.

To book the Inclusive Physical Literacy workshop, please fill out this form or contact us at workshops@sportforlife.ca.