Active Sudbury launches multi-sector strategic alliance to enhance physical literacy

Active Sudbury has committed to a Physical Literacy for Communities (PL4C) initiative, engaging stakeholders from the community to deliver sustainable physical literacy programming aimed at improving the health and physical activity levels of its citizens. This is a three year project funded by an Ontario Trillium Foundation Grow Grant.

This goal of the project is to develop and support “PLAY Groups”, in 4 areas: Education, Sport and Recreation, Health, and Early Years. Each PLAY Group will aim to increase physical activity and participation in sport through a “developing physical literacy approach” within the City of Greater Sudbury. The focus will be on building the capacity of over 1,600 staff and volunteers to assess and deliver evidence informed, high quality physical activity programs in these sectors.

Partners: SportLink – Greater Sudbury Sport Council, City of Greater Sudbury , Cambrian College Physical Fitness Management Program, Laurentian University School of Education, Sudbury & District Health Unit, Sport for Life.

For more information on how to incorporate the Physical Literacy for Communities approach, email Drew Mitchell, Sport for Life Director of Physical Literacy –